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Here's what investors need to know about the rapid rise of Juul
Is Altria's investment in Juul going up in smoke?
Why Juul's Valuation Keeps on Slipping
What's All the Buzz with JUUL & Similar Vape Devices? - Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
Inside The Heated Battle Over Juul: Creating Teen Addicts Or Saving Lives? | Think | NBC News
10/18/2019 - E-Cigarettes and Vaping: A Failed Social Experiment
Econ. & Consumer Policy Subcommittee: Examining JUUL's Role in the Youth Nicotine Epidemic. Part 1.
The Exchange: Holland Hospital event explores risks of vaping
Former FDA chief Gottlieb on Juul: Don't know how it proves public health benefit
Vaping and Marijuana: What Parents Must Know
Adolescents, E-Cigarettes & Vaping: Current Trends & What Pediatricians Need to Know
E985 #AskJason! Questions: Recognizing great founders, crowdfunding, growing in slow markets & more